The Vibrations of a Tuning Fork - While the tuning fork may not really be considered an instrument, it is a great help in keeping instruments in tune.
How To Play In A Band Some Useful Tips - If youve just joined your first band or are thinking of starting a band up then there is certainly a lot to consider.
The Secret To Maximizing Your Guitars Potential - Poorly setup guitars really make playing the guitar a bigger challenge.
The Media Has Lied To You About What The Opposite Sex Is Attracted To - There's a lot of money to be made from helping millions of people feel even more insecure about how they look.
Ballet Slippers Are Not Just For Ballerinas Anymore - There are two main types of ballet shoes, the flat ballet slipper and the pointe ballet shoe.
How To Use Aromatherapy Candles - The first thing you want to do is be sure that you have true aromatherapy candles.
Lover VS Provider - Let me start off by saying a provider is one whom you do not want to be in your life.
Dating Tips for Divorced Men Part - 10 Important Dating Tips for Divorced Men who find themselves back in the singles scene once again.
Online Dating - While online dating through paying membership sites may seem like the safer way for adult dating online, it is important to know that you get what you pay for.
Why should Parents Blog - We have all at least heard of internet dating sites and online chat rooms, and Which? reports tell us that 75% of UK internet shoppers who are women prefer buying online to going to the shops.